catch up

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Hait useita sanoja sisältävällä fraasilla. Kokeile hakea sanoja erikseen:


catch up

  1. oppia, saavuttaa, seurata, ottaa kiinni, tasoittaa, saapua, päästä perille, tulla, päästä päämäärään.

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ottaa kiinni

saavuttaa puhekieltä To pick up suddenly.
1913, w:Willa Cather|Willa Cather, s:O Pioneers!|O Pioneers!, s:O Pioneers!/The Wild Land, III|chapter 3

Oscar stopped the horses and waved to Carl, who caught up his hat and ran through the melon patch to join them.
puhekieltä To entangle.

The speaker wires have got caught up with the wires from the lights.

puhekieltä To be brought up to date with news.

I hadnt seen her for so long. It was great to catch up.''

puhekieltä To bring someone else up to date with the news.

After Alices vacation, her boss caught her up on policy changes.

puhekieltä To reach something that had been ahead.

Rose was three seconds behind, but managed to catch up with the race leader and eventually won.

puhekieltä To compensate for or make up a deficiency.
puhekieltä To get news.
puhekieltä To finally reach something inevitable.
An act of catching up or attempting to catch up.
An amount, a thing, or a receipt or repetition of information that enables one to catch up.


catch up rimmaa näiden kanssa:

make-up, pick-up, cup, maailmancup, ketchup, gallup, puhelingallup, katugallup

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